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By Scott Blair / July 6, 2019 / ENR
ENR Announces 2019 Global Best Projects Winners
After much analysis and debate, a panel of industry veterans has selected the winners of ENR’s 7th annual Global Best Projects competition. Like ENR’s successful regional and national U.S. competitions, Global Best Projects identifies and honors the project teams behind outstanding design and construction efforts of the past year. But this competition stands apart with the distinct rule that at least one firm involved in the project must be working outside of its home country. None of the entries could participate if they had any construction-related fatalities, and construction had to be complete between January 2018 and April 2019.

With a record number of entries to contend with, the judges picked the largest and most diverse field of winners to date, with 32 projects located in 20 different countries around the globe. These outstanding examples show the risks, rewards and hurdles overcome when designing and building internationally.
Judges included Geno Armstrong, partner, KPMG; Krista Becker, principal, ZGF; Erleen Hatfield, managing partner, Hatfield Group; Jon Magnusson, senior principal, Magnusson Klemencic Associates; David White, executive program director, IDRIS, Jacobs; Hans Van Winkle, president/CEO of Van Winkle LLC; and Peter Zuk, chief programs officer, special programs, Metrolinx. Any judge with a conflict of interest in any particular category was assigned to a different category. The panel looked at projects in many markets and examined safety performance, innovations, challenges, and design and construction quality – with a special emphasis on the diversity of global project teams and their collaboration. They also considered how the project benefits the local community and/or the construction industry.

The panel had discretion to designate top selections as Global Best Project winners in a variety of categories, and pick Award of Merit honorees as warranted. All 32 of the selected projects will be spotlighted in more detail in the Sept. 30 issue of ENR. In addition, that special issue will name which one of the Global Best Project-level winners will earn the title of 2019 Global Project of the Year!
Come celebrate these global construction achievements and mingle with the teams behind the projects at the awards gala dinner on Oct. 2 at the Edison Ballroom in New York City. Visit for more info about the dinner. Hope to see you there!
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